10 Must Have Items to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

10 Must Have Items to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

Is the big day approaching when you will finally meet your little one? Time to get together your hospital bag so you are ready for go time! But what the heck do you need to pack? Your stay in the hospital can be anywhere from 2-4 days for a normal delivery so knowing what to pack to make those days for you and baby more comfortable is a must. We asked mamas who have been there done that what were some of the things that they took with them that they actually used or what they wish they had packed and here are the results.

  1. Power Strip – You will most likely be bringing along your phone, tablet or possibly your computer (which is great for watching Netflix) but your room will not be equipped with outlets that are close enough to your bed, which is where you will spend 90% of your time. The solution? Bring along a power strip, make sure it has a long enough cord so that all your electronic needs are in reach!
  2. Flip Flops – Throw back to your college days! Remember taking a shower in the communal bathroom? Your hospital bathroom is similar, you probably want a barrier between your feet and the floor. Additionally, you can slip these on when you take a walk with your baby around the unit (doctors and nurses recommend you get up and moving as soon as possible after birth).
  3. Robe – You will have a lot of visitors, nurses, doctors, family, friends, and to be honest you will not feel like getting up and dressed every morning. Get a nice looking comfy robe so that you can throw it on over your pajamas or unsightly hospital gown.
  4. Nursing Pillow – A must if you are going to nurse. Trying to position baby in the hospital bed without one or trying to use one of the hospital pillows is almost impossible, you and baby will not be comfortable.
  5. Nursing Bra – Another must if you are going to nurse or pump. These provide easy access for feeding or pumping.
  6. Comfy Pajamas – Bring loose fitting comfy pajamas if you do not want to sport the hospital gown during your stay. Make sure the pajamas are ones that you don’t mind getting dirty since your recovery and caring for a newborn can be messy business.
  7. Depends – Ditch the mesh underwear provided by the hospital and the large pads.
  8. Toiletries – Bring shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste and any other essentials from home.
  9. Outfit for baby – Make sure to bring a super cute outfit with you for taking baby home.
  10. Outfit for mama – Bring a comfortable outfit to go home in, most women will still be wearing their maternity clothing, there is no shame in that, it will take your body (and belly) to bounce back to normal.